How to Order

If you have an account, log in with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, click here.
If you do not have an account, please register here.
Select product, add to your cart, log in and enter your payment information and submit your order, please make sure you get a confirmation email with order # for your reference.
We accept all major U.S credit cards as well as PayPal and wire transfer.

Ordering is by bolt and not by yard, bolts are approximately 15 yards each (varies from manufacturers between 12 to 18 yards per bolt)
Total invoice amount will be adjusted after order is pulled and packed depending on the actual size of the bolt.
If you are ordering one bolt (15 yards), you need to enter 1 in the quantity box, for 30 yards, enter 2 in the quantity box.
Shipping charges will be added after completion of your order.

Thank you for shopping at WWW.TEXTILECOLLECTIONS.COM